8 November 2009

Oh sorry am I late?

Wow really, has it really been a month? Well i've been busy you know, things to do people to see, live to lead, thoughts to grieve. But I am back now, you'll see it'll be different this time, we'll get along swimingly. Don't look at me like that, I can change just watch me. Well I thought I would begin with a long rambling apology much like this one, drone on and probably lapse into cliché. Can you believe it the spell checker doesn't have.... Oh well scratch that not important, no really not that interesting, no I am not stalling, i'm just coaxing my muse for inspiration. No nothing filthy, just difficult to get lemon drizzle cake when you need it. More to follow I promise, or perhaps les...


  1. I am waiting silently for your mirth-some magic...so? Where is it?

  2. I do not have any I am totally devoid of mirthsomeness, do you realise just how long it has taken me to actually log in to this poor excuse for a blog. Well the answer is far to long, but then never too long if I can bring but a crumb of mirth to you. Stupid crappy crazy ridiculous passwords and captchas. Why do I implement such labyrinthine security on this worthless mush, Am I worried that someone might compromise my account and actually start typing something worth reading, because this pointless screed certainly isn't. I can't even access the email account that goes with this blog now, so I cannot get to the reset your password link. Thankfully, (well perhaps) I had a stroke of stupidity and remembered the idiotic password I set for this blog, so I can once again witter on pointlessly about nothing.


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